Our Uniform Mandatory: Our uniform policy is white, navy or light blue polo shirt or sweat shirt; khaki or navy blue pants, skirt/dress, or shorts. We also have an optional James Otis logo t-shirts for sale.
Tardiness Students that arrive after 8:20AM need to be signed in at the office by the parent or adult dropping them off. Students with three or more tardies will receive detention.
Early Release of Students Students may not be released early from school unless the parent or other authorized adult has come to the office to sign them out, Students may not leave early other than for a doctor’s appointment or family emergency. We ask that you make such appointments after school. Teachers may not release any child to someone who is not listed on the emergency care form filed in the office. The nurse will contact parents of students who become ill at school. Parents must pick up these students at school. Please make sure you always have an update phone number. Please call the school by 12:00PM or send a note to let us know you will be picking up your child early.
Emergency Cards Emergency forms must be filled out and returned at the beginning of the school year. Parents are asked to provide work numbers and at least two local telephone numbers of people who will be responsible for the child when the parent is not available. Remember, this information is for your child’s safety. The information will not be released to anyone except your child’s teacher. PLEASE NOTIFY THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CHANGES ON THE EMERGENCY CARD. Medication Policy In accordance with state law, only the school nurse, another registered nurse employed by the district, or the student’s parent or legal guardian, may administer medication to students in school. Medication must be delivered to the school nurse by the student’s parent or legal guardian.
When medication needs to be given on a trip, arrangements will have to be made to accommodate that child’s needs. Please contact the school nurse before the trip. 1. A doctor’s note indicating the medical reason for the medication and the time medication is to be given. 2. A parent note indicating the student must take medication. 3. Medication is to be in its original container, labeled with name of child, current dosage, date of prescription, prescription number and name of doctor.
Homework It is the student’s responsibility to know what their homework is and to take the necessary items home to complete their homework. Because this is the expectation, we do not accept excuses for forgetting. If items needed to complete homework are “lost” it is the students’ responsibility to notify the teacher or parent right away so that items can be replaced. Students are expected to do homework every night. We encourage families to help with homework, but do not do the homework for their child. Homework emphasizes what was learned in class and encourages responsibility and independence.
Cafeteria/Recess Rules 1) Students may talk quietly after eating. 2) Students will only get up once to throw items away. 3) Students do not wrestle or play fight. Play fighting often leads to real fighting. 4) Soda, energy drinks or drinks in glass bottles are not allowed. 5) Play fair and have fun! No bullying or profanity. Cafeteria staff is paying close attention to this and takes it very seriously.